Humalog KwikPen 200
Humalog KwikPen 200
Insulin Lispro
Product information
A Humalog Kwikpen is an insulin pen that lets people with diabetes easily and painlessly inject their insulin. This insulin pen contain 200 units of Humalog insulin, which is a rapid-acting insulin that helps diabetics control spikes in their sugar levels that occur shortly after eating food. If you have a prescription for Humalog Insulin Kwikpens 200 units, you can save up to 60% by ordering from
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The Humalog Kwikpen is used by people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes to inject their insulin. The Kwikpen is convenient and helps diabetics consistently administer safe, accurate doses. The insulin pen contain insulin lispro, which is a synthetic, rapid-acting insulin that is made specifically to combat the quick rise in sugar levels that occur naturally after eating. By injecting this into the blood stream, insulin is quickly introduced into the body to effectively process glucose. Most diabetics have trouble producing insulin naturally, which causes blood sugar levels to become dangerously high.