Novorapid (NovoLog) PenFill

Novorapid (NovoLog) PenFill

Product information

NovoLog PenFill Cartridges are insulin cartridges for use in your insulin injection pen to help control high blood sugar levels. Insulin aspart is the generic and chemical name for brand NovoLog. It is known as NovoRapid in Canada, which is what you will receive when you order NovoLog from These Cartridges are filled with 3 mL of insulin aspart and come in a pack of five.

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NovoLog PenFill Cartridges are insulin cartridges for use in your insulin injection pen to help control high blood sugar levels. Insulin aspart is the generic and chemical name for brand NovoLog. It is known as NovoRapid in Canada, which is what you will receive when you order NovoLog from Insulin aspart is a fast-acting, man-made insulin that begins to work about 15 minutes after injection and keeps working for three to five hours. These Cartridges are filled with 3 mL of insulin aspart and come in a pack of five.