The Real Cost of Living with Type 1 Diabetes

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes around September of 2000 when I was 9 years old. After being diagnosed the thing, I hated the most about this disease was the pain of it. The endless finger sticks and the 8-10 shots a day that I needed were so frustrating. As I have gotten older, I have realized that the pain of type 1 diabetes is not the ultimate cost. What this disease really costs you most is your time and your peace.

It robs you of your time because you spend your life having to troubleshoot why medical devices are not working like they should and being put on hold by these big pharma companies. Always going to the doctor, feeling stressed all the time, filling prescriptions having to order supplies, making sure you have everything when you go on a trip or heck even leave the house, being super vigilant about not catching other people’s viruses because you know that will make your blood sugar crazy. Constantly having to check, monitor, count, figure, plan, packing, think of worst-case scenarios, just trying to do the normal everyday stuff like school, work, time with family and friends, and just trying to live life when a lot of the time you feel awful.

Nobody talks about how type 1 diabetes affects their everyday life. The ones you do see act like having diabetes never gets them down and for them maybe it doesn’t, but that’s not me or my experience. I’ll be real with you, having diabetes has gotten me down a lot. It has caused me countless migraines which robbed me of a lot of time in school and with my friends. It has affected my health in so many ways. This is not a pity party for myself this is me acknowledging what diabetes has taken from me and it’s been a lot. I’m also going to tell you that having diabetes has made me a better kinder person. It has taught me patience and given me insight into others who struggle with their health in different ways. Diabetes has also taught me responsibility that my life is my own and that my decisions have consequences. It has also given me the strength and confidence to help others who are struggling with their diabetes. For all of these things, I am grateful to be the strong person that I am.

If I could tell someone who is just beginning their journey with diabetes anything I would tell them don’t take care of your diabetes for you. If you rely on yourself to be your motivation you will let yourself down every time. Instead let your dreams and goals be your motivation. Let your family be your motivation, let your dream job be your motivation. This is a long-distance race and there will be plenty of times where you get sidetracked or just plain burnt-out on it. Mistakes happen just remember each day is a new day and you are allowed to learn from your mistakes and grow from them and do your best not to repeat them and if it happens just give yourself grace and move on. Beating yourself up over something that is already done doesn’t help anyone and will only further any depression you might be suffering from.

By: Miranda Montgomery (Type 1 diabetic for 20+ years) Admin for Type 1 Diabetes Support Group on Facebook with 13.8 K members